Writer Geof Johns
Pencils Doug Mahnke
One word. AWESOME!!!
If you wanted to see the lanterns work together, you got it. If you wanted to see Siniestro as a white lantern doing some awesome stuff, you got it. If you wanted more info and background on stuff you got it.
Since this comic was out yesterday I will not spoil you guys, I will leave that to the review of blackest nights final installment (next week)
Here is the second Cover
In this great issue you will see that a lot of stuff is going on, and as always, a good story seems to be revealing itself. As you may have guessed by the last issue of BN, the entity has to be one of the most powerful beings on the DC universe, to bad Hal did not get to be the host but there has to be a reason.
This is a must, and is probably going to be something a collector might like to get his hands on probably with a copy to archive if you like keeping comics int their graded packs.
The art is really good and you get some REALLY COOL spread pages and as in most of the BN series you get dark pages, colorful pages and now white pages.
Totally recommended, you will definitely enjoy this one.
Preview! Blackest Night no.8 Cover
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