Saturday, March 6, 2010

Black Lantern Green Arrow 30 Comic Review

Black Lantern Green Arrow 30
Blackest Night Tie-in
February Release
Writer J.T Krul
Pencilwork Diogenes Neves

First look and you will see something really familiar, the coverpage. This cover is one idea that has been used over and over and over again. I like it when they use artistics this way, but when they do, since it is a "classic" cover for this title I really expect it to be breathtaking. In this case it was not.
The story is similar to superboy's in Adventure Comics this month. Ollie as well as the other resurrected characters got themselves "possessed", "controlled" or whatever it can be called by the black lantern rings. This is Ollie's story on how he is supposed to fight the black ring and how the black ring says a lot of evil stuff to the people near him. As in Superboy's (and Wonder Woman's) comic this month, the comic starts with a back story on the character, we also see things on the real world and things from Ollie's perspective from inside.

I never really liked the Green Arrow stories myself (sorry to all of you GA fans), he is always whining about incorrect decisions and takes incorrect decisions because of it. This issue is no different, Ollie is having issues with his previous actions all the way almost to the last page. I think Green Arrow has always felt inferior to the rest of the guys. I do not think he is, but the fact that he feels it kind of makes him sometimes.

One thing I have been noticing more and more is that the old JLA members are all feeling more emotional with all this death heroes resurrected and stuff. You can read the thoughts being more personal, they all have known each other for long.

One thing I did like was the expressions made bye Black Lantern Arrow. He really looks evil.

The end did not surprise me. I would rate this one really low. I would have it join my "to be read again" library  only if the things that happen in this issue trascend (which probably would not)


  1. Is that an arrow in his eye? Ahh!

  2. Yes, that is an arrow in his eye XD
    Not to worry, that is a black lantern green arrow, but I would not like to be in his position though,
