Saturday, February 27, 2010

Time for Vampires! Daybreakers Review

Directed & written by Spierig Brothers
Jan 2010
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Some of the critcs are saying it is a Matrixed Vampire film, some did not even want to see it because of this whole apocalyptic themed movies going on and those Daylighted Vampire stories out there that are being taken to film. I personally loved it. I may be going easy on the film because I love vamps and I had also thought about this story before. But lets go a make the review.

Daybreakers is a story of a world already dominated by vamps, which is cool (if the studios think of it as a success we might even see Daybreakers The Beginning or something). In this world, here comes the resemblance to Matrix everyone talks about, humans are caught and farmed for blood in a Matrix-like manner - These vamps and machines should get together to get a 2x1 deal on harvesting blood and heat at the same time - but the problem in their society is they are running low on blood.
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We get to see a few interesting characters, Ethan Hawke (Gattaca & Training Day) playing Edward a vamp that works at the blood farming company named Bromley Marks, we also see Sam Neill who I best know from Jurassic Park's Alan Grant as Charles Bromley, the top guy at Bromley Marks,and we also get to see our lovely decepticon chick from transformers 2 playing Alison Bromley a human daughter of Charles Bromley and lets not forget Willem Daffoe, whom I am used to see as a villain, now appearing as one of the good guys.
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The story is really good, and the work of the Spierig brothers is remarkable, it is not easy making a vampire film specially if it is one of the first films you make.

This movie's visuals are dark and blues on one side and daylight yellows the other side, do not expect a fully colored movie, remember it is a vamp movie and these colors fit it really cool.

As a non-movie-related plus here is an image of a toy I used to have of Alan Grant.
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The movie has a good plot, good scenes, and a good cast. It is Emerald Fan approved. An emerald thumb up.

Friday, February 26, 2010

Justice League - Crisis on Two Earths - Review

Justice League - Crisis on Two Earths
directors Lauren Montgomery and Sam Liu
producer Bruce Timm
writer Dwayne McDuffie
Oficial Movie Site:
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DC comes with a new animated film based on the most known superhero team and scores really high. This new animated film is a continuation of the good work DC is making in this field.
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It is a good time for us fanboys, both DC an Marvel are coming up with really good animated films this past seasons.
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Jistice League - Crisis on Two Earths is based Grant Morrison's story JLA: Earth 2. To tell the truth I did not read Earth 2, when I saw it on the shelf the thought of buying it crossed my mind but I got interrupted by the comic store guy, he had some issues I had ordered ready for me. I never came back for that comic.
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The film is really good. It is not based on the continuity of the series nor is it based on the comicverse (but it might as well be with all that multiverse things going on). 
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Reading reviews of Earth 2 I found out that there was a lot less battle than in the animated adaptation, but then again, you never expect a full 100% adaptation, not if is only one movie (and even then I doubt it).
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I recommend this and give it a good emerald thumb up. Enjoy!

Adventure Comics 07 - Review

This is my first comic review ever. Let's see if I can pull up a decent format for it.

Adventure Comics 07
Blackest Night Tie-in 
February Release

Writter: Tony Bedard
Pencilwork: Travis Moore

This is the first Adventure Comics issue I have read in a while and I decided to start my review with it for two reasons; this title has a new creative team and it's alphabetical order places it before the others.

Looking at my first reason to review it. The new team. This is more of a sync-up issue for them, they get to try this title on a story that is already focused somewhere else (namely Blackest Night) and advance a little in superboy's specific story. Much like the other tie-in titles this month; Green Arrow 30, Flash 3, Wonder Woman 03 and JSA 3; superboy´s story is changing one thing only (wait for the spoiler part for this).

Another good part of this issue is the historic recap superboy does at the beginning, we essentially get to see a resumed history of superboy on the DC world since Reign of Supermen in two pages narrated by Superboy from inside the Black Lantern. This brought back memories, seeing superboy in his old outfit, when he was yelling to everyone he was Superman not Superboy.

Now for the content.

For those not following what is happening on Blackest Night and grab this issue, I suppose it is because of the new story arc that is going to come starting next issue, so here goes a quick recap of superboy's whereabouts during this particular event.

In blackest Night we see Black rings resurrecting dead people and feeding from their emotinons and we get to know the Corps for the other colors of the visual spectrum which (you might have guessed already) are the ones with the means to defeat them.

On superboy's case, and some other resurrected heroes, a black made its way to his hand. Superboy became a Black Lantern with the reasoning being that he died once and he is meant to be dead. This is where we set of. 

This issue starts with the recap and we realize Conner is thinking all this from inside the Black Lantern Superboy while fighting Cassie. Throughout the issue Conner is trying to escape while the Black Lantern is insulting Cassie with all he's got. 

By the end of the issue Conner is able to liberate himself from the Black Ring and with both Cassie and Krypto heads to the main conflict to make a stand.

Some points worth being highlighted. During this issue Superboy is able to use the cold breathing superman does for the first time, this added to the fact that he can still use Tactile Telekinesis (learned a month or two ago) is making our Jr.S a bad-ass on the neighborhood. 

So here I leave it for this issue.

*Got to admit it, she is all worked up

And the Light Will shine

Starting today I have decided to start my new blog. This time in English.

First oder of business is to state the purpose of this blog.

I am here as a fan of comics. This means that whatever I say or as a matter of fact write here is based on my love to comics which may show as frustration of bad decisions by our favorite heroes or by the people behind them (namely the comic house responsible) or as excitement on what is happening or about to happen.

This blog is here to help me keep track on comics because I sometimes divert my attention to other real world stuff and totally forget about comics for months.

I have my own share of comics and collectibles which I will be posting reviews for any soul out there that is looking for a good story to read or a summary of a story that lead to something else.

Aside from my normal reads reviews and collectible stuff I have I will also be posting extra info I sometimes get, like new releases or interesting stuff.

By the way, the comics/heroes/villains/etc I like are the following:


Green Lantern

.All the Bat family
.The Joker








As a bonus I also like Naruto, I do not know if it will be something to post about, but hell, just an fyi...

I am a D&D fan (if you now spanish you can visit just in case you find any references to it.

This blog will also help me to identify the Iconic Names on the History of comic books, this means I will finally start to put attention to artist / writer and other names involved.

Lets hope this little project can shine even in the blackest night.