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Justice League - Crisis on Two Earths - Review
Justice League - Crisis on Two Earths
directors Lauren Montgomery and Sam Liu
producer Bruce Timm
writer Dwayne McDuffie
Oficial Movie Site:
DC comes with a new animated film based on the most known superhero team and scores really high. This new animated film is a continuation of the good work DC is making in this field.
It is a good time for us fanboys, both DC an Marvel are coming up with really good animated films this past seasons.
Jistice League - Crisis on Two Earths is based Grant Morrison's story JLA: Earth 2. To tell the truth I did not read Earth 2, when I saw it on the shelf the thought of buying it crossed my mind but I got interrupted by the comic store guy, he had some issues I had ordered ready for me. I never came back for that comic.
The film is really good. It is not based on the continuity of the series nor is it based on the comicverse (but it might as well be with all that multiverse things going on).
Reading reviews of Earth 2 I found out that there was a lot less battle than in the animated adaptation, but then again, you never expect a full 100% adaptation, not if is only one movie (and even then I doubt it).
I recommend this and give it a good emerald thumb up. Enjoy!
I think my husband has this movie, but he hasn't made me watch it yet!