Saturday, June 26, 2010

ESPN's Superhero vs Supervillian AllStar Matches Remake - Aquaman VS Green Lantern

n the next couple of weeks I will make a fight by fight of ESPN's matches and see if I agree with them
(ESPN placed Supes vs Bat and Luthor vs Joker for the semifinals)
This means today we get to start with Aquaman VS Green Lantern

Aquaman (Arthur Joseph Curry): The King of Atlantis, King of the Seven Seas, Dweller in the Depths. Aquaman has been an icon in DC for a long time. He is one of the founders of the Justice League and rules more than half the Earth. A real king.
Green Lantern (Lots of them, 2 per space sector and some more): In brightest day in blackest night these heroes fight all that is not right. They are the space cops and their signature weapon is the single most powerfull weapon in the universe. The Green Lantern Ring.
To be honest, Aquaman has no real fight against a Green Lantern, any green lantern. I tried looking up something that could give the Ruler of the Seven Seas the upper hand but found nothing, or close to nothing.
The most excitng battle I  could imagine for these characters meant I chose Aquaman's appearance while he had a hook so that he could wield something yellow and have something of an advantage against rookies on the Corps. Even without the hook any rookie will have problems dealing with the king of the seas.
Aquaman could really use a simpson's remake for this fight, it is never to bad to be all yellow.
Not much to be said on this fight. Pick your Green Lantern (or whatever color lantern you like) and Aquaman loses. Poor guy, but sometimes the big stars don't get to shine.
No videos this time, this is an odd pair of fighters.

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