Saturday, June 26, 2010

ESPN's Superhero vs Supervillian AllStar Matches Remake - Aquaman VS Green Lantern

n the next couple of weeks I will make a fight by fight of ESPN's matches and see if I agree with them
(ESPN placed Supes vs Bat and Luthor vs Joker for the semifinals)
This means today we get to start with Aquaman VS Green Lantern

Aquaman (Arthur Joseph Curry): The King of Atlantis, King of the Seven Seas, Dweller in the Depths. Aquaman has been an icon in DC for a long time. He is one of the founders of the Justice League and rules more than half the Earth. A real king.
Green Lantern (Lots of them, 2 per space sector and some more): In brightest day in blackest night these heroes fight all that is not right. They are the space cops and their signature weapon is the single most powerfull weapon in the universe. The Green Lantern Ring.
To be honest, Aquaman has no real fight against a Green Lantern, any green lantern. I tried looking up something that could give the Ruler of the Seven Seas the upper hand but found nothing, or close to nothing.
The most excitng battle I  could imagine for these characters meant I chose Aquaman's appearance while he had a hook so that he could wield something yellow and have something of an advantage against rookies on the Corps. Even without the hook any rookie will have problems dealing with the king of the seas.
Aquaman could really use a simpson's remake for this fight, it is never to bad to be all yellow.
Not much to be said on this fight. Pick your Green Lantern (or whatever color lantern you like) and Aquaman loses. Poor guy, but sometimes the big stars don't get to shine.
No videos this time, this is an odd pair of fighters.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Back from vacation - Welcoming Heroism

Since I am back from vacations and a new school period just started I will give thoughts of the new stuff going on on Marvel.
Heroic Age - the new era for Marvel
Marvel has been messing with things since a little bit before Civil War and seems they have made the objective of messing things in a bigger way as time goes up to the point where our heroes are the ones hiding to save the world while villains are publicly destroying it peace by peace with the world on their side. As many of us saw it coming there had to be a point of relaxation and stability after this so long crisis (whatever reference to a different comic company is just coincidence)
Another great reason is because as in many series there has to be a point where you go back to the status quo, heroes being heroes, mutants being different and away, avengers having their three big icon and so on so on. This helps get new fans that can start reading form that point, it helps old fans get a sense of stability and everybody else have a sense of who is who.
Some say this has come from Disney buying Marvel, but if it is or is not the reason, I think it is the best course of action, we get to see or heroes back, Marvel gets more buyers and one of our greatest comic companies continues to live a long life. By the way, great job Marvel at pulling this up the correct way, no magic or thing no one has seen before to save us all, simple and careful planning of events.

Monday, April 12, 2010

A little about the Deadpool Corps

The last few days I have been reading Deadpool related comics and I have been updating myself on the Marvel Universe. Finally, I came to the latest Deadpool issue on my pile, Deadpool Corps (yes another corps related post on my blog, but at least this one is Marvel Universe related). 
So if you read Prelude to Deadpool Corps you know the badesst merc with a mouth in the whole multiverse of comics is putting a team together of Deadpools from other dimenssions. Up until now I love what they have done with Deadpool, he now has mission given to him by the contemplator to save the multiverse with a bunch of Deadpools.
One of the new characters on the DPCorps that has had the most time dedicated to him is Zombie Deadpool, who by the way, is just a head. So one of the main characters on Deadpool Corps is not even a whole character, he is not even alive. Headpool, just as Deadpool, has a wierd way of getting out of the wors situations without being destroyed. 
Next we can see Wanda Wilson, our Lady Deadpool. She has one hot body, except by the fact that it is as scarred as Deadpool´s body. On her universe Wanda is on the rebel side of the superhuman registration act and is commonly seen battling General America. 
In every happy and multiversal familly there is a kid, this one is no exception. But this kid is no usual kid, he is great with all kinds of weapons and his signature weapons are two lightsabers.
Last but not least, we have what every superhero should have but does not have because it would be far to much to keep track of, a dog. Just like the Batman Family has Ace the bat.hound, the Superman Family has Krypto the superdog, the X-men has Lockheed Kitty's Dragon, the Avatar has Appa the flying six legged bison and Mystery Inc. has Scooby-Doo, the Deadpool family now has Dogpool a dog with a healing factor due to experimentation.
And I almost forgot our original Wade Wilson from the Main Marvel Universe. As mentioned before, Deadpool is one of my favorite characters.